AREA: North Las Vegas (Deer Springs/Waterfall)
COMPANION: Elder Steward
COMPANION: Elder Steward
Monday- Today was a typical
P-day. We had dinner with a family and they had a referral for us and
she said she'll try to set up a teaching visit for us. We also
contacted a referral we got yesterday and he answered the door and said
to come by on Saturday to teach a lesson.
Today we had zone meeting and we talked about using appropriate
missionary language and setting higher standards. We set a goal as a
zone to try are hardest to get 15 commitment given to non-members each
day. That is a really hard goal because we usually get around 4 or 5 a
day. Later that night we went to a members house for water and the
family was crazy big. They had 11 kids in the range of 8 months to 12
years old, all of them are adopted. All of them were were very
different from each other but they all seemed to get along. The ten
year old from Africa yelled, "mommy, when I grow up I want to go on a
mission like them!" So that was cool to hear. We taught them a short
lesson and it was a cool experience. Unfortunately I didn't get a
picture of all of them.
Today we went to the DI to do service. It's a thrift store and we
sorted clothing that came in and it's pretty nasty stuff. You'll come
across gross used underwear and socks so not the funnest service. Later
we went to Brother Stevens house (less active old guy with corvette)
and we taught him a quick lesson but mostly he showed us all the cool
things he makes and his 1975 corvette. We talked about his life and he
said he is getting to weak to take care of his yard so we offered to
come over to trim bushes and cut the grass every Wednesday.
He has quite a bit of land so there's a lot to do. He also said we
could help him fix his corvette and motorcycle, so that will be cool.
We also taught Joe Downing today and he's been investigating for 3 years
now and he asked a pretty common questions we thought he would know by
now. He asked what's the difference between being baptized in a baptist
church and ours. So we talked a lot about the priesthood. So that was
cool to teach him something new.
Today was weekly planning and it went well. I lead it for the first
time so it was interesting. Then we did a lot of street contacting and
tracking with not much luck.
Today we taught Cash and Sara, unfortunately we had to push their
baptismal date back a little for both of them. There wasn't enough time
to teach all the lesson because not all the lesson happened that we
planned for. We taught Sara CPR (church, prayer, and read) and it went
well I bore my testimony a lot and spirit was strong in the room. Then
Cash we taught law of chastity and he's eleven so we taught it pretty
Today we had exchanges, and I was with Elder Flores. He is really
into cars and is from Mexico. He mostly like muscle cars and I'm more
of a All Wheel Drive car kind of guy since I'm from Minnesota. It was a
long day of lessons canceling but we had 6 successful street contacts/
door contacts. We had dinner with a family from Minnesota, around Coon
Rapids area. They were an interesting family. Then we did some more
street contacting.
Today was a good Sabbath day. I enjoyed the talks in both sacrament
meetings. They were about the articles of faith and the importance of
them. They had a lot of stories that go along with it and it
strengthened my testimony on the AofF. After church we did some street
contacting and went to the ward mission leaders house to report our work
we have done. Then we went to dinner at the Stevenson's and they have a
exchange student from Spain there and we taught a lesson towards the
end on keeping the Sabbath day holy. Then we played apples to apples
while Sister Stevenson mad dessert. Then the day came to an end.
This week I have been able to grow a lot in my teaching and contacting skills, I hope to continue to have a steady growth.
love this true gospel and I know if I continue to have positive thought
and work hard and set goals I will be a successful missionary. I know
the gospel is the only thing that can bring me eternal happiness. I
know nothing else can make me happy forever, not even a car. 
Love you guys!
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