AREA: North Las Vegas (Deer Springs/Waterfall)
COMPANION: Elder Steward
I forgot my journal so I'm going to just sum up my week that I remember.
I'll just talk about the highlights of my week.
We taught Jen on Tuesday about the law of tithing. It went well and
she is willing to do so when she is baptized which is to be announced
because her husband is still not allowing her too. Hopefully he
changes his mind soon. The coolest thing that happened this week was
the baptism for Kash. Not only Kash but his sister Michelle decided
to get baptized too! Michelle is 17 and took the lessons about 5
months ago but her brother Kash set a good example and Michelle felt
strongly that she needs to be baptized too. We found out Thursday
night and the baptism was Saturday. So on Friday went through the
main idea of all the lessons which took about 45mins then she had her
baptismal interview. It was a miracle to find out she as well wanted
to be baptized. Michelle and Kash are awesome and have testimonies of
the true church. Michelle definitely felt the spirit strong, she
cried a lot as the spirit touched her. Especially at the confirmation
on Sunday. Their grandpa baptized and confirmed them both. Amazing
experiences I have had this week. We also got 2 new investigators
this week, named Brenden and Rey. Brenden is 17 too and he is from St
Paul Minnesota originally and still goes back to live with his dad in
the summer I believe. His brother James Henry goes to lives in
Woodbury somehow and goes to Woodbury High School. He's 15 so I
believe he's in the 10th grade. We invited Brenden to the baptism and
he planned on coming to the baptism late because he didn't feel
comfortable coming but luckily the baptism started late and he really
enjoyed it. Then we had a lesson with him after the baptism about the
Restoration and he had lots of questions we were able to answer. He
couldn't understand what he read when he read the Book of Mormon and I
had similar problems in the past and still do. I shared what I've
done to help me understand and he was willing to try it. Also Rey is
now a new investigator, we have known him for a while. We go over a
lot to get water when ever we need it and they have fed us dinner
before. At first he wasn't interested in taking the lessons but now
he is willing to listen to what we have to say now that we know him
well. A lot of great things happened this week and hope to have more
miracles like I've had. Love you all and miss you!
Mosiah 5:15
15 Therefore, I would that ye should be steadfast and immovable,
always abounding in good works, that Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent,
may seal you his, that you may be brought to heaven, that ye may have
everlasting salvation and eternal life, through the wisdom, and power,
and justice, and mercy of him who created all things, in heaven and in
earth, who is God above all. Amen.
Great scripture I've found from the study we did to prepare for Zone
Conference. I love how direct it is and talking about how powerful
God is.
Love you
Nevada Las Vegas West Mission / Current Area: North Las Vegas (Goldcrest & Samoan)
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Week 15
AREA: North Las Vegas (Deer Springs/Waterfall)
COMPANION: Elder Steward
Monday- Today we bought new shoes for Elder Steward it is Elder
Stewards birthday the 8th. They were really nice shoes I might get
some similar soon. The brand is Winthrop. We had normal p-day
activities and then had dinner with a family. Later today we found
out two boys in our ward got hit by a car in there neighborhood while
long boarding. Both are 12 years old and one had it bad and the other
was just bruised and sore. Jayden broke his Femur, arm, and a rib I
believe. He is going to be in the hospital for a while. It's pretty
scary what a car can do to someone at low speeds.
Tuesday- It's Elder Stewards birthday so I cooked him pancakes. Also
I let our dinner appointment know it was his bday because she is a
super fun lady in the ward that I thought she would like to know.
Today we were on bike and were trying to find people. We had a lesson
with Jen about the Law of Chasity and it went well. Overall good day.
Wednesday- We had a lesson with a guy named Michael who we tracted
into. He is cool, he said right now he is going to a Jehovah Witness
but then says he believes Christ is huge when Jehovah Witnesses only
believe he's a good person. So we will try to teach him more soon.
Then we had a lesson with Joe and he isn't doing to well. He is
moving out of the house soon because he is getting a divorce so he
struggling right now. Then we had a lesson with the Brewster's about
not comparing ourselves with each other. Good lesson and good day.
Thursday- Today we had the chance to go to the temple and the temple
is so awesome. It's on a hill top looking over the strip. It's a
cool view, I will have to get pics from a Elder that took them because
I didn't bring my ipad with me. It was a strong spiritual experience,
every time I go I learn something new. We had a lesson with a guy we
tracted into and named Andre and he agreed everything we said but then
explains what he believes which was completely different. He didn't
have very good concentration or listening skills. I think he has a
disability but we will try going by again another time.
Friday- Today we got in contact with the McDonalds and we taught them
about 2 months ago so it took a while to catch them. They are very
busy but still interested, we will text them in two weeks to set up a
lesson with them. We had dinner with the Gwin family and they were
funny. We talked a lot about his mission and politics. I heard that
Marijuana was legalized in Nevada and some other states, that sucks.
We have been trying our hardest and haven't had a lot of people to
teach. It's a hard area but I know we are doing a good job in our
area. We have a baptism for Kash next Weekend the 19th. I'm excited
for that. We have almost all of it planned out.
Saturday- Today we tracted into another Michael and he was cool. We
had a discussion on what we believed and talked about why organized
church is important and how Jesus Christ organized the church when he
was on the Earth. He gave us a super cool Action Bible book. It's
pretty much a comic strip of the whole Bible with cool illustrations.
Stake Conference is tomorrow so I'm excited for that.
Sunday- Today we had a good stake Conference. President Walker had a
great talk about missionary work and the joy that comes from it. It's
a blessing to serve the Lord. Other than that it was a pretty normal
This week I have really been working on having more effective studies.
It's been working out good, I read a chapter out of the BOM and the
one out of the New Testament. I study out of the student Manuel to
understand everything I'm reading. I also try to think of what I
study throughout the day. I know your studies are very important to
keep your testimony strong and growing. It's always helpful to start
your morning off with studies because you think about it through pout
your day if you have a true study.
COMPANION: Elder Steward
Monday- Today we bought new shoes for Elder Steward it is Elder
Stewards birthday the 8th. They were really nice shoes I might get
some similar soon. The brand is Winthrop. We had normal p-day
activities and then had dinner with a family. Later today we found
out two boys in our ward got hit by a car in there neighborhood while
long boarding. Both are 12 years old and one had it bad and the other
was just bruised and sore. Jayden broke his Femur, arm, and a rib I
believe. He is going to be in the hospital for a while. It's pretty
scary what a car can do to someone at low speeds.
Tuesday- It's Elder Stewards birthday so I cooked him pancakes. Also
I let our dinner appointment know it was his bday because she is a
super fun lady in the ward that I thought she would like to know.
Today we were on bike and were trying to find people. We had a lesson
with Jen about the Law of Chasity and it went well. Overall good day.
Wednesday- We had a lesson with a guy named Michael who we tracted
into. He is cool, he said right now he is going to a Jehovah Witness
but then says he believes Christ is huge when Jehovah Witnesses only
believe he's a good person. So we will try to teach him more soon.
Then we had a lesson with Joe and he isn't doing to well. He is
moving out of the house soon because he is getting a divorce so he
struggling right now. Then we had a lesson with the Brewster's about
not comparing ourselves with each other. Good lesson and good day.
Thursday- Today we had the chance to go to the temple and the temple
is so awesome. It's on a hill top looking over the strip. It's a
cool view, I will have to get pics from a Elder that took them because
I didn't bring my ipad with me. It was a strong spiritual experience,
every time I go I learn something new. We had a lesson with a guy we
tracted into and named Andre and he agreed everything we said but then
explains what he believes which was completely different. He didn't
have very good concentration or listening skills. I think he has a
disability but we will try going by again another time.
Friday- Today we got in contact with the McDonalds and we taught them
about 2 months ago so it took a while to catch them. They are very
busy but still interested, we will text them in two weeks to set up a
lesson with them. We had dinner with the Gwin family and they were
funny. We talked a lot about his mission and politics. I heard that
Marijuana was legalized in Nevada and some other states, that sucks.
We have been trying our hardest and haven't had a lot of people to
teach. It's a hard area but I know we are doing a good job in our
area. We have a baptism for Kash next Weekend the 19th. I'm excited
for that. We have almost all of it planned out.
Saturday- Today we tracted into another Michael and he was cool. We
had a discussion on what we believed and talked about why organized
church is important and how Jesus Christ organized the church when he
was on the Earth. He gave us a super cool Action Bible book. It's
pretty much a comic strip of the whole Bible with cool illustrations.
Stake Conference is tomorrow so I'm excited for that.
Sunday- Today we had a good stake Conference. President Walker had a
great talk about missionary work and the joy that comes from it. It's
a blessing to serve the Lord. Other than that it was a pretty normal
This week I have really been working on having more effective studies.
It's been working out good, I read a chapter out of the BOM and the
one out of the New Testament. I study out of the student Manuel to
understand everything I'm reading. I also try to think of what I
study throughout the day. I know your studies are very important to
keep your testimony strong and growing. It's always helpful to start
your morning off with studies because you think about it through pout
your day if you have a true study.
Week 14
AREA: North Las Vegas (Deer Springs/Waterfall)
COMPANION: Elder Steward
This week has gone great. We had transfer calls and found out we are
both staying so that's cool.
Not a very exciting Halloween, it was P-day so we did normal p-day
stuff and then ate dinner at our apartment. Then at 6pm we had to
stay inside our apartment for the rest of the day due to trick or
treaters and stuff. Other than that the week has gone great. We
taught Jen and she has been excited to learn. We taught her the Word
of Wisdom and she was very accepting of the principles taught. She is
a health freak so she is already doing all things we taught so that's
This week has been super busy finding, we are knocking lots of doors
and street contacting. A lot of finding but not a whole lot of
finding people interested. We taught a very strong catholic lady and
realized the catholic faith is very close to ours in a lot of ways.
She is happy for us to come back but she is a die hard catholic so it
will be tough to convert.
A lot of negative comments from people we ran into on the street this
week. A lot of people were talking about how this world is to
dangerous for us to be walking around and talking to people.
This week I have focused on building our knowledge in the our faith.
One of Christ's attributes is knowledge and that's something we all
can work on. And I know that the scriptures are the key to build our
knowledge. And the Holy Ghost is a big part too. Moroni 10:5 And by
the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
Sorry for a shorter email but I have to go love you!
COMPANION: Elder Steward
This week has gone great. We had transfer calls and found out we are
both staying so that's cool.
Not a very exciting Halloween, it was P-day so we did normal p-day
stuff and then ate dinner at our apartment. Then at 6pm we had to
stay inside our apartment for the rest of the day due to trick or
treaters and stuff. Other than that the week has gone great. We
taught Jen and she has been excited to learn. We taught her the Word
of Wisdom and she was very accepting of the principles taught. She is
a health freak so she is already doing all things we taught so that's
This week has been super busy finding, we are knocking lots of doors
and street contacting. A lot of finding but not a whole lot of
finding people interested. We taught a very strong catholic lady and
realized the catholic faith is very close to ours in a lot of ways.
She is happy for us to come back but she is a die hard catholic so it
will be tough to convert.
A lot of negative comments from people we ran into on the street this
week. A lot of people were talking about how this world is to
dangerous for us to be walking around and talking to people.
This week I have focused on building our knowledge in the our faith.
One of Christ's attributes is knowledge and that's something we all
can work on. And I know that the scriptures are the key to build our
knowledge. And the Holy Ghost is a big part too. Moroni 10:5 And by
the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things.
Sorry for a shorter email but I have to go love you!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Week 13
AREA: North Las Vegas (Deer Springs/Waterfall)
COMPANION: Elder Steward
What's up! Happy Halloween! Day 97! Almost a 100 already!
This week has been awesome, I had my first baptism, we baptized Sara
Bachmura, her boy friend baptized her. She is 16 and we have been
teaching her for a while. That was definitely the highlight of the
week. Also on Sunday I confirmed her, it was awesome to be the
person to officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day-Saints. Having the power of God with me to give me the
opportunity to give someone the Holy Ghost. I have a much stronger
testimony of the Priesthood and love for Christ church. Other than
that we have had a great week as well. We made a contract with the
Lord to commit to knocking 10 doors a day, 8 lessons a week and better
companion studies. It has been going very well, we have not found
any new investigators yet but we did get a few referrals that could
turn into a new investigator or new family to teach. This is the last
week before transfers and it's likely I will get a new companion.
I've enjoyed spending time with Elder Steward and he's a good trainer.
His younger brother just received his call to go to Nova Scotia,
Canada, something like that I know it's in the area near Maine. Also
someone in the ward just got her call for Tucson, Arizona so Ryan will
most likely see her out there. Her name is Sister Haskin.
Baptism is such an important ordinance that we are given to do. Most
importantly is the priesthood we are given to perform baptism and
confirmation. It is very special to see someone be baptized and find
the happiness and joy in the gospel. Especially when you are the one
who taught them and see them grow.
I love the joy that comes from this gospel. This is the one and only
church. And I know that through the power of the Holy Ghost. I'm
having the time of my life out here!
COMPANION: Elder Steward
What's up! Happy Halloween! Day 97! Almost a 100 already!
This week has been awesome, I had my first baptism, we baptized Sara
Bachmura, her boy friend baptized her. She is 16 and we have been
teaching her for a while. That was definitely the highlight of the
week. Also on Sunday I confirmed her, it was awesome to be the
person to officially a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter
Day-Saints. Having the power of God with me to give me the
opportunity to give someone the Holy Ghost. I have a much stronger
testimony of the Priesthood and love for Christ church. Other than
that we have had a great week as well. We made a contract with the
Lord to commit to knocking 10 doors a day, 8 lessons a week and better
companion studies. It has been going very well, we have not found
any new investigators yet but we did get a few referrals that could
turn into a new investigator or new family to teach. This is the last
week before transfers and it's likely I will get a new companion.
I've enjoyed spending time with Elder Steward and he's a good trainer.
His younger brother just received his call to go to Nova Scotia,
Canada, something like that I know it's in the area near Maine. Also
someone in the ward just got her call for Tucson, Arizona so Ryan will
most likely see her out there. Her name is Sister Haskin.
Baptism is such an important ordinance that we are given to do. Most
importantly is the priesthood we are given to perform baptism and
confirmation. It is very special to see someone be baptized and find
the happiness and joy in the gospel. Especially when you are the one
who taught them and see them grow.
I love the joy that comes from this gospel. This is the one and only
church. And I know that through the power of the Holy Ghost. I'm
having the time of my life out here!
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Baptism |
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Happy Halloween! |
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New tie I traded for. Not my favorite but it's a tie. |
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