COMPANION: Elder Jensen
COMPANION: Elder Jensen
Hello, I have been in the MTC for 8 days now and have been having a good time.(it feels like it's been a month) I'm learning a lot! I'm still getting along with my companion Elder Jensen. Thursdays are my P-day at the MTC so I will be writing back every Thursday. What I've I learned a lot about the the mission field is that I'm here to serve the Lord, it's not about me. I know I have been called to the best mission for me and that I will love it. The things I'm struggling with at the MTC is keeping focused and getting to know and love the "investigators" I'm teaching. Almost all the people I'm teaching are members but it's seems real and strive to convert them and come closer to God. So far I have taught Patrick, Braulio and Yui. Yui is definetly the hardest to teach because she believes in many Gods and has a Japanese culture. The best lessons have been the ones where the spirit is in the room when we teach and we come out with a smile on our face. We have learned how to teach about the restoration and the plan of salvation. I have an awesome district full of Elders, I get along with almost all of the them. The food is okay nothing special. I have not gained or lost any weight.
I have gained a stronger testimony that this church is true and
that God love us all. A scripture I love sharing in lesson is Moroni
10:3-5, it's a powerful scripture and I know if you do as it says you
will receive answers from God. I love my Heavenly
Father and i know he loves me and he is my friend.
Kevin sent about 60 pictures -- these are the ones that are cool/not completely repetitive.
Kevin sent about 60 pictures -- these are the ones that are cool/not completely repetitive.
Elder Smith's view outside the window at the MTC |
Missionary glamour shots |
Provo Utah Temple |
Kevin's district at the Provo Temple |
Kevin and his companion Elder Jensen |
Elders Smith & Jensen |
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Elders Smith & Jensen |
Hanging out at his MTC dorm |
MTC classes with his district |
Studying hard |
I asked him to send me a nice picture of him with his missionary badge. I hope he didn't think this was what I was asking for hahaha. |
Elders Smith & Hatch |
It's so funny that, even on his mission, he's taking a billion random pictures of cars. His love of cars will never die. There were a few more of these random car pictures haha. |
Missionary work is tiring |
Drinking caffeine-free Coke because BYU and the MTC refuses to sell caffeine despite the fact that the First Presidency has come out and said that caffeine is not against the Word of Wisdom :D :D :D |
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