AREA: Lone Mountain
COMPANION: Elder Alison
This week has been great, I have been able to teach quite a few and find a few as well. First off we found three new investigators and two were found tracting and the other was found street contacting. We tracted into a girl named Skylar last week and we had a lesson with her this week. She has a boyfriend that just came back from his mission and she has read the Book of Mormon before. Her concern is why do I need to change my faith when I'm perfectly happy in the one I'm in. So we taught the restoration and she knew a lot of the stuff we were teaching already but understands it a lot better. What's awesome is is that she went to general Conference with her boyfriend at the conference center on Saturday morning and there were two talks on the plan of Salvation and a lot of the questions she had were about that so that was great. The other two we found are good as well, a guy named Francisco who just moved from Wisconsin about a year ago and doesn't know too much about mormons but wants too. He also loves service and our church has a lot of service opportunities. And lastly a lady who is not as solid but was interested in what we believe and said we can come back after we taught her more about the restoration and the Book of Mormon. Good week of finding! It's always nice when your hard work finally pays off.
Not only did we find new people, we also set three people with baptismal dates! One of them is a 9 year old and she is so excited to be baptized and is basically ready. Then we have Faith Cooper who is very weak and sick a lot so we set it farther down the road. She is also very shy and not willing to have people that she doesn't know to come over so that can be frustrating, especially when we volunteer to help clean out her garage and her house and we get a group of people ready to come over and she said never mind I'm okay now. The only reason she canceled was because there was too many people willing to help and she only wants 2 or 3 at her house at a time.
Oh well, we tried, we also we are trying to get her to come to church and she doesn't have a car but doesn't want to accept a ride from anyone because she is shy with new people. So she likes to walk but it has to be nice weather. We will try are best with her. Next we have Tommy Bell who we reset with a date and he's solid and is willing for us to teach him. He's just busy a lot so we meet with him only once a week and it doesn't feel like enough. He's always working on getting ready for the races he goes too. He works on the drift car and the razors a lot. We will stay on him to make sure he continues to read the Book of Mormon and prays because he won't know for himself unless he does that.
General Conference was definitely one of the highlights of my week. I really enjoyed hearing all the talks and thinking that wow, these are all the answers to our investigators questions. It was really good. I especially liked Joaquin E. Costa and then later found out he is coming to visit our mission in June so I'm excited for that! I also really like Elder Ballard's talk about goals and how they always be centered on Heavenly Fathers plan. Also talked about a goal is a plan or destination which I liked. Overall really good Conference! Hope we all can remember what was said and that we take what Prophet Thomas S. Monson spoke about and apply to our lives. Just the simple things like study your scriptures, going to church and praying often will solve the most complicated problems and will keep you strong. Also make sure you have a strong foundation and testimony in the Lord Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Father. Study Christ's life and that will help you grow more faith in him and knowledge in him. Keep up with the your daily prayers and scripture study and you will never regret it. You will feel so close to our Savior and there is no better feeling than that.
Study Ch 34 in Alma and it will help you see the importance in following Christ. It's a really good chapter!
Love you all!