My week has been pretty good, we had a lot of success this week. We
found 2 new families to teach but everything good that is happening is
only happening in the Cheyenne Ridge Ward and the Lone Mountain Ward
has nothing happening.😞 The Lone Mountain Ward is a ton of gated
neighborhoods and huge houses. Hope more happens in that ward this
So the two new families we taught this week was the Frizell family and
the Vasquez family. The Frizell family are cool, none of them are
members and the they have 3 kids. One has a mental disability the
other two are smart and ready to learn. The family goes to a big
Christian church and the reason they wanted us to come over was for us
to do Bible study with them and they said they are happy where they
are in their church. But towards the end of the lesson the wife
started to open up and cried, she was worried about what path God
wants her to go down and how she can be a better person. We shared
the Restoration and she definitely felt the spirit and they were
willing to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it's true. It
was amazing to see the difference between the beginning from the end
of the lesson. We made sure as we were teaching we were focused on
the Doctrine of Christ (Faith in Christ and His Atonement, Repentance,
Baptism, Receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost and Endure to the End.).
As we focused on that it's a totally changes how the lesson goes, it
applies to them instead of just giving them a history lesson. We made
sure we applied it to their lives and I know they really felt that
spirit we had in the room. I love teaching the Restored Gospel of
Jesus Christ!😁
The Vasquez family is also awesome, the dad is a convert but fell away
pretty quickly a while ago, we taught the Restoration and the wife
doesn't speak the best English so we have to repeat a lot what we say
which is fine. They want the English missionaries to come over
because of their kids. As we taught the Restoration, I could just see
how it was slowly making sense to the mom and the more she understood
what we taught the more scared she was getting because all of her
family is Catholic and they wouldn't want her to be Mormon. She was
still willing to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know and meet
with us this week. The kids aren't the most interested in listening
but maybe after we teach the wife? They have 3 kids as well all in
baptism age I believe.
Something else that happened this week that was awesome was teaching a
guy named Tommy Bell (referral we received last week and already has a
baptismal date), he is pretty much a 21 year old version of me haha.
He is from Wisconsin and loves cars, snowboarding, motorcycles, and
off road racing. He works for a Big Motorsports company called
Sorenson's Motorsports. He works on dirt bikes, razors, atv's,
razors, go carts, cars, ect. The best part was is that we taught him
at work because he's there all day and that's the only way we can
contact him. He works at the Sorenson's house and the Sorenson's are
actually members so that's how he came in contact with the
missionaries. You can probably guess that I was freaking out the
whole time he was giving me a tour of the place, they have
everything, they probably have 100+ Motorsports stuff on their
property. Pretty awesome guy, he is really enjoying the missionaries
coming over to teach him because he said it makes him feel at peace
with the Lord. The only problem is that he works or is at a race in
Arizona every Sunday, so church is going to be hard for him to go to.
It will be a challenge but I'm excited to continue teaching him!
Edwards family is still doing okay, their baptismal date is still the
18th of March and Brother Edwards is trying to get the Aaronic
Priesthood so he can baptize his family. They did smoke again about 4
or 5 days ago but they said they are strong again and won't do it
again. The dad has to be two weeks clean to receive the Priesthood is
what bishop wants him to do. Hope he makes it! Awesome family!
Great week! Other than my companion was a little bit trunky haha, his
girlfriend just got home from her mission from Brazil and he was
freaking out a little bit but is doing good now. Elder How's mom sent
him a email talking about when he's getting married and she asked his
girlfriend and she said Early November and he gets home from his
mission mid October. Haha! That was a surprise to see that so he was
struggling. He's good now and he is a really good companion, I love
the guy(Elder)!
I learned a lot this week! The biggest thing is to follow spiritual
promptings. The reason we had a lesson with the Vasquez was because
we had a prompting to go see them right after church and we did and
had a great lesson with them. Also one day this week, we had nothing
to do and it was 8:30pm and we said a prayer and I said let's go see
Gary! Gary is a guy that didn't show too much interest but for some
reason thought we should go see him. So we did and as we pull up and
pulls into his garage after a few minutes so that was awesome! We
talked to him mostly about mountain biking but still a good
conversation with him and said we can come back and got his phone
number. Good week, mostly cause we made sure we followed the
prompting of the spirit and it really works! I love the power of the
Holy Ghost! Always be worthy to have it in your life all the time.
It's a huge blessing in my life and everything God does is through the
Great week and love you so much!
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Went mountain biking for P-Day again |
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