COMPANION: Elder Alison
This last week was really good, we were able to help a lot of people
even when we didn't have a car due to it being in the shop. We made
the best of it by walking everywhere. We did end up getting a loner
car on Saturday so that was a blessing. I saw some miracles this week
and they were awesome. There is a recent convert that had a really bad
week and was questioning if she was on the right path. We send a daily
scripture every morning to lots of different people and she received
the scripture and that her gave her comfort and prompted her to invite
us over to help uplift her. The scripture was Moroni 7:33. We were
able to come over that night and share the Prince of Peace video and
after watching that video it really hit me how much peace Jesus Christ
really brings us! When we we left their home I know she felt
spiritually uplifted and comforted. I know the scriptures we send out
truly help other people's lives and it brings miracles.
Other miracles we saw were just small but will grow over time. We
knocked on a part Members door on a Sunday morning right before Christ
church because we felt prompted to try them and the husband answered
the door and he is not a member but has been married to a member for
30+ years. He said we could come back Saturday and we did and he told
us right off the bat that he has been struggling for quite a while and
has really been thinking about looking into the Mormon faith and then
we showed up. That really increased my testimony of the spirit. He
also said growing up he was really focused on work and money and
didn't have time for religion and would usually say to never come back
to the missionaries. We shared a message about Doctrine of Christ and
how true it is to bring us peace and happiness and said he is willing
to work with us step by step and see where it leads him and his 14
year old son!
Francisco came to church again yesterday and he is really enjoying all
the things about the Gospel. He has been reading out of the Book of
Mormon almost everyday and has enjoyed it. He has prayed to know if
it's true and the Book of Mormon and found his answer! He is awesome,
we have been able to meet with him 2 or 3 times a week. He also has
been watching Mormon movies like meet the mormons and really enjoyed
it. Next he said he will watch the Joesph Smith movie. He's doing
great, we are just trying to find people to fellowship him so he can
gain connections with people.
Tommy Bell has been doing good as well but he always is out of town on
weekends due to racing so I don't know how to get him to come to
church?! His baptismal date is on the 20th of May and might need to
move it if he isn't able to come to church 3 times before his baptism.
He has been really learning a lot though and is trying to find time
for everything, he is a good guy.
Skylar we are meeting with tomorrow and that will go well hopefully!
We didn't meet last week due to her parents not supporting her on her
decision to take the lessons but now she has decided to meet at the
Lots of miracles and blessings this week. I'm so grateful for the
success our wards are having! The success just makes me want to be
the best I can so things can continue to grow up.
Easter was great and had a good meal with a member in the ward. We
had French dip sandwiches which was an interesting thing to have on
Easter but still good! I loved all the talks yesterday about the
Atonement and it really brought me peace and comfort. It really is
important to use the infinite Atonement in our daily lives because it
is there for us to bring happiness and peace to our life. So if you
are not using it daily, set a goal to do so. I love my Savior and I
know he rose and we will too.
Love you all! Hope you all had a great Easter! 🐣
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Hiked the mountain and had a BBQ for Elder Alison's last P-Day |
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Las Vegas Dodgers! |
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Francisco came to church for the second time in a row and learned a lot. He's golden! Baptismal set for May 13th, so day after my B-day! |
I miss this. Thank you again for the experience and for the memories elder smith. I love you. You are my best friend